Losing weight and staying fit comes from a combination of healthy lifestyle habits, yet many people struggle to change their daily routines and adjust to a healthier lifestyle.
In this sense, some people may be tempted to resort to other methods to lose weight, such as the consumption of diet pills.
Although weight loss pills have been shown to be effective under certain conditions and under medical supervision, many people use weight loss pills assuming they are safe and can do no harm.
Most weight loss pills are not FDA approved; their effects and, in some cases, their ingredients remain unknown, and their use is considered not only risky but even dangerous.
On the other hand, most of the weight loss pills that are approved by the FDA are only designed for short-term use and are not safe for long-term use.
Since most of these pills are not designed for this purpose, but to be used only for a few weeks, approximately 12.
They can raise the pulse and blood pressure, so they are not recommended for patients who have had a heart attack, stroke, or who have cardiovascular conditions.
They should not be used while a patient is pregnant, as they could cause pregnancy complications and, specifically phentermine-topiramate, birth defects.
They should be avoided if the patient suffers from anxiety or depression, has a history of anorexia or bulimia, or is dependent on pain relievers, drugs, or alcohol.
One of the most reported side effects has been increased blood pressure, which is why the consumption of diet pills is not recommended for people who have suffered a heart attack, stroke, or suffer from cardiovascular disease.
Among the most common side effects of prolonged use of weight loss pills are:
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Dry mouth
- Insomnia
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Increased blood pressure
- Increase of cardiac frequency
- Hepatic injury
- Taste disturbance
- Difficult control of evacuations
- Greasy stools
- Malabsorption and vitamin deficiencies
- Discomfort and pain when evacuating
- Abdominal discomfort
- Flatulence
Most of these side effects are mild. Serious side effects from these drugs are very rare.
For example:
Hydroxycut could cause hepatitis and jaundice
Fenfluramine, heart damage, and lung disease
And Sibutramine, heart attacks, and cerebrovascular accidents
Now, at the end of the treatment of diet pills that inhibit the absorption of fat, the rebound is imminent since, at the moment of leaving them, the body responds by absorbing a greater percentage of fat and causing a weight gain equal to or greater than what has already been lost.
Another of the drugs for weight control that exist is appetite suppressants, which act directly with metabolic and hormonal processes to satiate the person. These suppressors also cause negative consequences in the body.
Appetite suppressants act immediately on the early satiety of patients and lead them to eat less than usual.
The downside of these drugs is that they can slow down the metabolism, and consequently, the body would not burn fat normally and would not allow weight loss or would make it a slower process.
These pills can also aggravate certain conditions such as anxiety, bulimia, anorexia, or dependence on other compounds and medications.
Many people take these pills looking for a quick solution to lose weight, which leads them to negatively alter their bodies, since the main effects of diet pills, such as appetite suppression and laxative effects, cause the body to lose fluids and electrolytes. Indispensable.
Once the person stops taking the drugs, they usually regain the previously lost weight.
That is why when it comes to losing weight, specialists favor a combination of healthy eating habits and physical exercise.
A varied diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, with a balance in the consumption of fish and meat -preferably not red meat- should be habitual, together with the habit of carrying out at least a couple of hours of moderate physical activity, such as a walk at a medium pace or swim a couple of kilometers.
Food supplements can help in long-term treatments, but always with medical advice and knowledge that they are an aid and not the fundamental mechanism to lose weight.