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8 Tips for a Youthful and Fresh Look

young woman

Are you seated? According to a recent German study, the condition of a woman’s skin on her chest, hands, and arms significantly influences how old she appears to be. This means that it’s not just your face that ages you, but your skin as well.

Aging is a natural process, but if you want to delay it as much as possible, there are several things you can do. It appears that more than just genetics and sun exposure can contribute to aging. Here are eight ways to maintain a youthful appearance:

  1. Shield yourself from the sun: While the sun is not the sole factor affecting your skin’s appearance, it plays a major role. About 90% of visible skin aging is caused by damage from the sun’s UV rays (UVA and UVB). These rays break down the skin’s elastin, leading to sagging, wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone, and more. To protect your skin, always use a good quality broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 30. Apply sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days, and reapply every few hours for maximum protection.
  2. Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is crucial for youthful-looking skin. Aim to drink eight glasses of filtered water daily to maintain radiant skin and overall health. Dehydration can make your skin look dry and dull, emphasizing wrinkles and aging. Drinking enough water helps replenish your skin’s cells and tissues, promoting a younger and healthier appearance.
  3. Get enough sleep: Rest is essential for maintaining a youthful appearance. During sleep, your body releases hormones that aid in cell turnover and renewal. Utilize this time to incorporate age-defying actives like retinoids and beta hydroxy acid, which are potent exfoliants and wrinkle erasers. However, be cautious as these products can increase sensitivity to sunlight, so remember to be diligent with sunscreen application. Additionally, consider using a satin pillowcase to reduce the breakdown of collagen caused by friction with rougher fabrics like cotton.
  4. Use the right moisturizer: While water keeps your skin hydrated from the inside, using the appropriate moisturizer can complement this effect. Moisturizers with humectants draw water from the air to your skin, while emollients strengthen the skin’s lipid barrier and retain moisture. Opt for clinical-grade products with better absorption and higher active ingredient content for the best results. These products, backed by clinical studies, are usually available only at medical practices.
  5. Embrace a plant-rich diet: Fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrients that support healthy aging, both internally and externally. They also contain phytonutrients that combat the damaging effects of environmental free radicals. Prioritize a healthy diet centered around fruits and vegetables, supplemented with whole grains and lean proteins.
  6. Stay active: Regular exercise not only helps maintain a healthy weight but also contributes to a younger appearance. Vigorous exercise, particularly high-intensity interval training (HIIT), has been shown to slow down cellular aging by almost a decade. Exercise enhances blood flow, carrying oxygen and vital nutrients throughout the body, which contributes to a youthful appearance. Furthermore, it is crucial for maintaining muscle mass and strength, leading to numerous health benefits and a longer lifespan.
  7. Establish a consistent skincare routine: Prevention is key to avoiding skin damage. Develop a daily skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing, exfoliation, and appropriate treatments and serums tailored to your skin type and needs. Regular use of a moisturizer can improve your skin’s elasticity and hydration.
  8. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake: While moderate consumption of alcohol and caffeine may have some health benefits, excessive intake can dehydrate the body and deplete essential nutrients. These effects can be detrimental to the skin, and in some cases, permanent.

In conclusion, taking care of your skin and overall health can contribute to a more youthful appearance. By following these eight steps, you can delay the signs of aging and maintain a radiant and healthy look.

Holistic Methods For Cleansing The Gut


Our intestines become overloaded with various toxins and waste that can be negative for our body, causing fatigue, tiredness, anxiety, and many other effects caused by the accumulation of waste. Cleaning our intestines has many benefits such as:

• Improve nutrient absorption.

• Get rid of harmful toxins in the body.

• Contributes to fiber loss by eliminating low-fiber foods.

• It is possible to eliminate those wastes that can generate bad odors in our bodies.

• Eliminate intestinal parasites.


1. Drink a lot of water: water is a natural cleanser for our body that can not only help clean our intestines but also our entire body in general. Apart from drinking enough water every day, it is recommended to drink a few glasses of water daily, it is also important to eat foods rich in water such as fruits and vegetables, among which we can highlight cucumber, apple, watermelon, cucumber, green fruits, among others.

2. Lemon juice: you should drink it on an empty stomach, squeeze a lemon into a glass with a little warm water, adding a pinch of sea salt and sweetening with a little honey. Take it at least three times a week

3. Apple juice: Apple is an excellent fruit due to its high water content as well as having a lot of fiber and a naturally sweet flavor. Prepare a natural juice in a blender, no packaged juices, and also drink it on an empty stomach followed by a glass of water, this will work as a natural laxative in addition to providing many good phytochemicals for the body.

4. Aloe vera: you must prepare an infusion with aloe vera, for this, first squeeze two lemons in half a liter of water, then you must take a branch of aloe vera and extract the crystal, add two tablespoons of it in a blender along with the half a liter of lemon water, and a little honey to sweeten, blend everything together to mix all the compounds, you must drink it on an empty stomach for 7 days in a row.

5. Water and apple cider vinegar: apple cider vinegar is useful for removing toxins from our body as well as retaining useful intestinal bacteria and being loaded with antioxidants for our body. To prepare this drink, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water along with two tablespoons of honey, stir and drink it in the morning for about three weeks.

6. Ginger: another plant with multiple benefits for the body, with high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds as well as stimulating digestion. To drink it you must make tea. Boil a piece of ginger in a pot with about two cups of water, then strain the water into a cup of water, add a spoonful of lemon juice along with a little honey to sweeten, and take it once a day.

7. Chia or flax seeds: they are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation and promote the development of healthy intestinal flora as well as help against constipation. To take it you must prepare you must leave soaking about three spoons of chia or flaxseed in a glass of water for about an hour, then strain the water and drink it.

How to trick your brain into better eating habits


When we consider following a diet or, at least, changing our eating habits, we think that, no matter how much we give up hamburgers, pasta, or sweets, they will continue to appeal to us more than a plate of legumes or some boiled chard.

To date, scientists have suspected that once the brain circuits that underpin addiction to unhealthy food are established, they are difficult or nearly impossible to break. As with most ex-smokers, people who are used to high-calorie diets, no matter how much they manage to diet, are tempted for life by the foods they ate before. But a study, published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes, ensures that it is possible to train the brain to prefer to consume healthy foods, reversing this trend.

“We are not born loving French fries and hating, for example, whole wheat pasta,” explains Susan B. Roberts, Ph.D., a professor at Tufts University and co-author of the study. “This conditioning is formed over time in response to the repeated intake of unhealthy foods.”

If you want you can


You cannot change what you are not aware of. Therefore, write down in a diary what you eat, how much, at what time, and what is your mood when you do it. Only then will you really know if you eat a lot, if you seek refuge in food when you have an upset or are stressed, etc.


Look for the bad in the dishes you like and the good in the ones you don’t like. Instead of reminiscing about how delicious it is to dip bread into fried eggs, think about how oily they are, how heavy they are… Instead, get excited about the creamy texture of the avocado in the salad… Your brain will store this information to make choices healthier another day.


So that when your brain receives the signal that the stomach is already full you have not gobbled up amounts of food without rhyme or reason, eat consciously. Look first at the composition of the dish, at the colors… Then identify the different aromas it gives off. Take a bite to your mouth and notice the texture of the food, if it crunches or not, and if it is spongy. Afterward, savor it by trying to differentiate the different ingredients and tastes (spicy, sour, salty…).


The brain learns by imitation, so if you sit with slow eaters, you might eat more slowly, chewing more. What do you get with it? In addition to better digestion, you also manage to eat less, because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal that you are full.


Record it in your head. Craving a scrumptious meal? Well, nothing to call a food delivery service, since surely you ask for more, letting yourself be carried away by gluttony. Open the fridge (where there should only be healthy food) and cook! And since the brain is comfortable, surely your recipes will be simple, but delicious and more balanced than what you can ask outside.


If behind your “addiction” to chocolate there is an unresolved emotion, if that extra piece of pizza is calming the anxiety about not being able to leave the house… instead of eating, write a journal in which you name what you corrode inside Expressing your emotions will make it easier for you to solve your problems and you will avoid resorting to junk food.


If you don’t rest, reaching out for a bun or ice cream is almost automatic, because your brain seeks to compensate for the “slump” with high-calorie foods. Therefore, sleeping between 7 and 8 hours each night is essential. If you don’t get it, resort to a 20-minute nap to make up for it.


You are overwhelmed, with nothing prepared and your mind tells you to quickly fix dinner so you can rest. This ends in cutting sausage and cheese, and throw that you go. Stop buying these foods and, without changing the chip of doing something quick, introduce the software of the right choice: for example, bread spread with fresh cheese or avocado smoked salmon and fresh spinach or arugula. Fast, light, and healthy!

Let’s face it, it’s hard for us to prefer a salad to a cheeseburger and those homemade fries… Lettuce doesn’t make our mouths water, but… we can manage to do it. We can “program” our brain to make choices that help us lose weight (and without the need for electroshocks, we promise).

And it is that real hunger is one thing, that of the stomach that grumbles because it needs you to add something after empty hours, and another very different, emotional hunger, which is very likely to appear in moments of uncertainty and confinement like the one that we are living.


That’s easy! There is a method that never fails. To find out if you are hungry or if it is something else, think about whether you would eat a plate of sautéed chard or if you need “something else”, call it chocolate, ice cream, pizza, rolls, chips…

The first option, make no mistake, is that of real hunger. You know, the hunger that makes you “eat the stones”, the chard, the broccoli, or whatever is put in front of you. The other is gluttony; it is the choice of a capricious brain that has learned to “cover” other emotions with food.

Tips and Tricks to a Healthy Gut and Digestion

Gut health

Over the years, our digestive system can begin to suffer discomfort that we did not have before. This is because our health depends on the lifestyle habits we have.

That is why it is very important that we take care of both our diet and basic hygiene and health standards to prevent diseases.

We can adopt habits that help digestive care in order to avoid and reduce pathologies that directly affect health.


The bacteria in our intestines are almost like our fingerprint because it is something. Therefore, it is important to consider the diversity of these microorganisms when preparing a diet. The food you eat provides you with nutrients and feeds the bacteria that live in your body.


Everyone is different, but whether you want to improve your digestion, lose weight or just take care of your general health there are some fundamental principles that can be applied to everyone.


  • Vegetables: A healthy gut has a wide variety of microbes, each of which prefers different foods. Artichokes, chicory, lettuce, tarragon, or salsify, as well as leeks, shallots, onions, garlic, and asparagus, are particularly beneficial for the microbiota.
  • Fiber: Foods rich in fiber help digestion, although they must be added to the diet gradually. However, most people include less fiber in their diet than they should. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains feed the bacteria in our intestines in a healthy way.
  • Probiotics: Probiotic foods, such as yogurt, can encourage the development of some good microbes for our intestines, as they remain active and contribute to the balance of the intestinal flora. In addition, the consumption of prebiotics and probiotics improves intestinal health and prevents inflammation, through improvable changes in the microbiome.


Good digestion is responsible for providing the energy elements necessary for a healthy life. Digestion problems can trigger diseases that affect our bodies since we are not able to absorb enough nutrients and vitamins to activate our metabolism.

When we talk about digestion, some only think about the process of intake and evacuation of the food we eat daily. It is true that both phases are part of digestion, but there are invisible and very important stages that allow us to obtain what is necessary to live healthily.

When digesting, we are talking about the work that the stomach and intestines do to break down food and obtain from it those components that allow us to acquire and produce energy, water, nutrients, and vitamins.

Having good digestion implies that our body is able to obtain the necessary elements from each meal and at the same time, eliminate the unnecessary.

Properly getting rid of toxins, and acquiring the healthy elements available requires healthy organs and a diet rich in fiber and nutrients. This means that the same foods to be digested can damage our own digestive system.

Over time the digestive organs wear out and lose muscle mass. To prevent the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases that make your body sick, it is necessary to change your diet, water consumption, and physical activity.


  • Diet rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, cereals, and legumes provide a high fiber content to our body. Although fiber is not absorbed by our body, its role lies in transporting water to the large intestine, helping our hydration.
  • Do exercises daily: the intestines have a wide length and are contracted to fit in our body. By doing physical exercise, you help to mobilize the colon and avoid obstruction due to the accumulation of stool, which prevents the appearance of constipation.
  • Reduce stress in your life: the intestines are the second organ with the most nerve endings after the brain. If it hurts frequently, it may be due to a syndrome, such as irritable bowel syndrome or another disease. Once you get sick from stress, it is very difficult to reduce its impact on the body.


The ideal is to have a diet that includes all food groups. Avoid added fat, salt, and sugar, drink plain water daily, and learn to manage stress and exercise.

During the day, include two servings of fruit and two vegetables, preferably with skins to get the vitamin, minerals, and fiber. In your meals, these foods should be the first to be eaten. Also, these take an hour to digest, unlike proteins (two hours) and fats (three hours).

Eat more natural foods than processed. Eat more lean meats and red meats only once a week, since they are linked to the development of diseases. Look for legumes like chickpeas and beans. Include super-foods like chia, flaxseed, and wheat germ.

Essential Nutrients by Dr. Peter Glidden


According to Dr. Peter Glidden, the human body needs 90 essential nutrients to stay healthy.

“There are 90 essential nutrients that the human body needs; there are 16 minerals, 16, vitamins, 12 amino acids and two fatty acids, which are essential for health. The body needs them, but can’t make them. And as these essential nutrients have declined in the food that we’re eating over the last 60 years, chronic disease has escalated. There is a one-to-one relationship between chronic nutrient deficiencies and the genesis of chronic disease,”


Glidden pointed out that mineral deficiency is also a problem because minerals make up two-thirds of the body’s nutrient needs, and when the body runs out of an essential nutrient it would be a matter of time before something breaks down.

“So in order to fix this, it’s not rocket science; you just have to put into your body on a regular basis the 90 essential nutrients that it requires,”

 “Everybody is nutritionally deficient. Everybody’s digestive tract is weak. Everybody’s digestive acid is weak. Everybody’s ability of the small intestine to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream is weak, not because you have a bad gene or because you have a voodoo curse, but because you’re nutritionally deficient.”

No free medical market

Glidden, who presented a healthy base pack that he said is the easiest way to get the 90 essential nutrients the body needs, also regretted the lack of a free medical market. He said there is a place in the world for all types of medicine, and that people should be aware of the skill set that each medical professional brings to the table.

“Most people completely don’t understand, you know, the laws of science and the laws of nature don’t change when you cross the state line… And, you know, the American Medical Association doesn’t like competition. And so things like this have been happening behind the scenes for 109 years now. And it’s the secret that’s hiding in plain sight that we don’t have a free medical market. We desperately need a free medical market, right? And that would solve a lot of the problems that we’re facing right now,”

He pointed out the increasing number of chronic diseases and the lack of experience with medical nutrition.

“Alzheimer’s is skyrocketing. Autism is skyrocketing. No change in the genesis for the incidence of heart disease. Arthritis is getting worse. Our life expectancy is getting shorter. Obesity is on the rise. Type-two diabetes is on the rise,”

“We’re getting sicker as a nation, we’re not getting healthier. And this is not because we have a bad gene, chemtrails, 5G radiations and all of those things are real and they have net negative impacts on the human body. But the real reason the chronic disease is escalating is that conventionally trained allopathic medical doctors have no experience with medical nutrition. And that is a gigantic omission. You wouldn’t believe the things that I and my colleagues have seen our patients recover from, and it’s really a tragedy that this type of medical approach is not mainstream.”


“If you have high blood pressure, for example, the first thing to consider is that you have a deficiency in calcium and magnesium. Because if you have a deficiency in calcium and magnesium, the muscles in your body can’t constrict and relax the way that nature intended them to. So you’ll get muscle spasms, you’ll get restless legs, you’ll get ticks, you’ll get twitches,” Glidden explained.

“And regretfully, if the muscles that are in your arteries and veins constrict but don’t relax, the blood pressure is gonna go up. It’s the same as what happens when you squeeze a garden hose, the water comes out faster. And it’s not because you’re getting older, it’s not because you have a bad gene. It’s not because you have a lot of situational stress, it’s because your body ran out of calcium and magnesium.”

Glidden insisted on the need to teach the fundamentals to physicians and open the world to all types of medicine.

“Medicine is like a big umbrella under which many different disciplines hang, right?  You’re trained as an allopathic doctor. I’m a naturopathic doctor. There’s homeopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine, osteopathic medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, the oldest system of medicine on the planet, ayurvedic medicine, botanical medicine, to name a few. All of these disciplines need to be recognized and legalized,”


Doctors and pharmaceutical companies are making money from it. That is the only reason chemotherapy is still used. Not because it is effective, and decreases morbidity, mortality, or cancer rates. In fact, it does the opposite.

Chemotherapy increases cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Most patients who receive chemotherapy die or suffer illness within 10-15 years of treatment. It damages their immune system, increases neurocognitive impairment, alters endocrine functioning, and causes organ and metabolic toxicities.

Patients basically live in a permanent state of disease until their death. The cancer industry marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented, expensive, and toxic remedies whose risks far exceed any benefit. This is what they do best, and they do it because it makes money, plain and simple.

foods to detoxify the body of heavy metals.

detox cleansing of the body

many foods contain important nutrients that allow your body to detoxify the heavy metals it is exposed to every day.

First of all, we can start with one of the most important ones, such as citrus: citric acid, present in many fruits of this group, acts by capturing metal atoms such as mercury and cadmium.

remember that some lean meats are often contaminated with these metals, even cadmium is present in foods like mushrooms. An important compound present in citrus fruits is citrus pectin which helps to expel heavy metals through urinary excretion, this is because this complex carbohydrate allows the capture of said metals.

Chlorella and coriander can be combined in our body so that it acts in such a way that it can expel heavy metals. According to explanations from scientific studies, in order to effectively eliminate a toxin, it is necessary for it to bind effectively in the upper part of the small intestine, when bile is secreted during digestion.

chlorella eaten with food, a dose of chlorella 1 hour before a dose of cilantro will bind the toxins in the bile to the chlorella and carry it in the feces. coriander causes the liver to release bile. coriander is also an important source of organic selenium, a very important mineral in the detoxification of heavy metals.

coriander action is fast (about 20 min). Coriander mobilizes mercury and other toxins from cell membranes, but it does not act very well as a chelator, that is, it extracts metals well. therefore, an important detox strategy is to have chlorella on board at the time of mobilization (take cilantro) to chelate metals more effectively.

Chlorella, being difficult to digest because its cell walls do not break easily, bind to the toxins in our body, allowing them to be captured and eliminated.

Finally we have ginger, this plant can be taken as a boiled infusion to release all its properties, it has high anti-inflammatory properties, as well as having properties to relieve stomach upsets and control cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

In addition to this, ginger helps improve kidney movement, something that will need to be taken care of since it is possible to expel a large amount of toxins from our body through urine.

To see more articles on these topics or others, keep visiting Latino Gringos ™. Make sure to follow us on our Instagram or Facebook to find out when we upload new articles or videos.

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alimentos para desintoxicar el cuerpo de metales pesados.

muchos alimentos contienen nutrientes importantes que permiten que tu cuerpo pueda desintoxicarse de los metales pesados a los que está expuesto cada día.

primero que nada, podemos comenzar con uno de los más importantes como lo son los cítricos: el ácido cítrico, presente en muchas frutas de este grupo, actúa capturando átomos metálicos tales como lo pueden ser el mercurio y el cadmio.

recuerde que algunas carnes magras suelen estar contaminas con estos metales, incluso el cadmio está presente en alimentos como los champiñones. un compuesto importante presente en las frutas cítricas es la pectina cítrica la cual ayuda a expulsar los metales pesados mediante la excreción urinaria, esto debido a que este carbohidrato complejo permite captar dichos metales.

la chlorella y el cilantro pueden combinarse en n uestro organismo para que actué de forma tal que pueda expulsar los metales pesados. segun explicaciones de estudios cientificos, para eliminar de manera efectiva una toxina, es necesario que se unan de manera efectiva en la parte superior del intestino delgado, cuando se secreta la bilis durante la digestión.

la chlorella que se come con alimentos, una dosificación de chlorella 1 hora antes de una dosis de cilantro unirá las toxinas de la bilis con la chlorella y la llevará a las heces. el cilantro hace que el hígado libere la bilis. el cilantro también es una fuente importante de selenio orgánico, un mineral muy importante en la desintoxicación de metales pesados.

la acción del cilantro es rápida (unos 20 min). el cilantro moviliza el mercurio y otras toxinas de las membranas celulares, pero no actua de forma quelante muy bien, es decir, extraer bien los metales. por lo tanto, una estrategia de desintoxicación importante es tener chlorella a bordo en el momento de la movilización (tomar cilantro) para quelar los metales de manera más efectiva.

La chlorella al ser de difícil digestión debido a que sus paredes celulares no se rompen fácilmente, se unen a las toxinas de nuestro cuerpo permitiendo captarlas y eliminarlas.

Por ultimo tenemos el jengibre, esta planta puede tomarse como una infusión hervida para liberar todas sus propiedades, posee altas propiedades antiinflamatorias, además de tener propiedades para aliviar malestares estomacales y controlar los niveles de colesterol y azúcar en sangre.

Además de esto, el jengibre ayuda a mejorar el movimiento renal, algo que será necesario cuidar puesto que mediante la orina es posible expulsar una gran cantidad de toxinas de nuestro cuerpo.

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diet pills

Losing weight and staying fit comes from a combination of healthy lifestyle habits, yet many people struggle to change their daily routines and adjust to a healthier lifestyle.

In this sense, some people may be tempted to resort to other methods to lose weight, such as the consumption of diet pills.


Although weight loss pills have been shown to be effective under certain conditions and under medical supervision, many people use weight loss pills assuming they are safe and can do no harm.


Most weight loss pills are not FDA approved; their effects and, in some cases, their ingredients remain unknown, and their use is considered not only risky but even dangerous.

On the other hand, most of the weight loss pills that are approved by the FDA are only designed for short-term use and are not safe for long-term use.

Since most of these pills are not designed for this purpose, but to be used only for a few weeks, approximately 12.


They can raise the pulse and blood pressure, so they are not recommended for patients who have had a heart attack, stroke, or who have cardiovascular conditions.

They should not be used while a patient is pregnant, as they could cause pregnancy complications and, specifically phentermine-topiramate, birth defects.

They should be avoided if the patient suffers from anxiety or depression, has a history of anorexia or bulimia, or is dependent on pain relievers, drugs, or alcohol.

One of the most reported side effects has been increased blood pressure, which is why the consumption of diet pills is not recommended for people who have suffered a heart attack, stroke, or suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Among the most common side effects of prolonged use of weight loss pills are:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increase of cardiac frequency
  • Hepatic injury
  • Taste disturbance
  • Difficult control of evacuations
  • Greasy stools
  • Malabsorption and vitamin deficiencies
  • Discomfort and pain when evacuating
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Flatulence

Most of these side effects are mild. Serious side effects from these drugs are very rare.


For example:

Hydroxycut could cause hepatitis and jaundice

Fenfluramine, heart damage, and lung disease

And Sibutramine, heart attacks, and cerebrovascular accidents

Now, at the end of the treatment of diet pills that inhibit the absorption of fat, the rebound is imminent since, at the moment of leaving them, the body responds by absorbing a greater percentage of fat and causing a weight gain equal to or greater than what has already been lost.

Another of the drugs for weight control that exist is appetite suppressants, which act directly with metabolic and hormonal processes to satiate the person. These suppressors also cause negative consequences in the body.

Appetite suppressants act immediately on the early satiety of patients and lead them to eat less than usual.

The downside of these drugs is that they can slow down the metabolism, and consequently, the body would not burn fat normally and would not allow weight loss or would make it a slower process.

These pills can also aggravate certain conditions such as anxiety, bulimia, anorexia, or dependence on other compounds and medications.

Many people take these pills looking for a quick solution to lose weight, which leads them to negatively alter their bodies, since the main effects of diet pills, such as appetite suppression and laxative effects, cause the body to lose fluids and electrolytes. Indispensable.

Once the person stops taking the drugs, they usually regain the previously lost weight.

That is why when it comes to losing weight, specialists favor a combination of healthy eating habits and physical exercise.

A varied diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, with a balance in the consumption of fish and meat -preferably not red meat- should be habitual, together with the habit of carrying out at least a couple of hours of moderate physical activity, such as a walk at a medium pace or swim a couple of kilometers.

Food supplements can help in long-term treatments, but always with medical advice and knowledge that they are an aid and not the fundamental mechanism to lose weight.

Hyperpigmentation, A Common Skin Condition.

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Hyperpigmentation is a common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin.

This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin, the brown pigment that produces normal skin color, forms deposits in the skin. Hyperpigmentation can affect the color of anyone’s skin.


These are some of the most common causes of hyperpigmentation:

  • Sun damage. It’s no secret that UV rays from the sun are harmful to your skin. In fact, they are responsible for up to 80 percent of the signs of premature skin aging. One of these signs can be hyperpigmentation in form of age spots due to lifelong exposure to the sun.
  • Chloasma (Melasma). Patches of dark pigmentation, usually on your face, can indicate hormonal changes. It is mostly, but not exclusively, associated with pregnancy hormones. During pregnancy, chloasma is sometimes called the ‘mask of pregnancy.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. When your skin goes through an inflammatory phase, such as acne or eczema, it may go into overdrive and produce these darker spots after it heals.
  • Medical conditions. In some cases, hyperpigmentation can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as Addison’s disease. If you’re uncertain about what is causing the hyperpigmentation, it’s always best to seek professional help from your doctor or dermatologist.

How to Prevent + Treat

Sun damage is the number one cause of patches of hyperpigmentation, and you can do a lot to prevent sun damage by applying SPF and staying out of direct sunlight. To treat darker skin pigmentation, using products that contain ingredients such as retinol or Niacinamide can help.

Niacinamide Also known as vitamin B3 this powerful skincare ingredient has been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and even skin tone.

Retinol This is one of the most talked-about ingredients of the decade, and retinol can be helpful in reducing the appearance of dark pigmentation spots by speeding up natural skin cell turnover.

Microdermabrasion This is a great treatment that can be done by your licensed esthetician or you can buy a kit that can be done in the comfort of your home. However, they can only be effective in the case that hyperpigmentation occurs in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin.

CC creams Worn under make-up or as a lightweight moisturizer. CC creams help even out your skin tone and conceal hyperpigmented areas.

Vitamin C. Applying a product containing Vitamin C on your skin can help fade marks of hyperpigmentation for a more even-toned complexion.

To see more articles on these topics or others, keep visiting Latino Gringos ™. Make sure to follow us on our Instagram or Facebook to find out when we upload new articles or videos.

If you know someone who can benefit from our articles, even if they are not Latino, please share with them. We love our Latino community, but we also like to help anyone in need.

Hiperpigmentación, una condición común de la piel.

La hiperpigmentación es una afección común, generalmente inofensiva, en la que parches de piel se vuelven más oscuros que la piel normal circundante.

Este oscurecimiento ocurre cuando un exceso de melanina, el pigmento marrón que produce el color normal de la piel, forma depósitos en la piel. La hiperpigmentación puede afectar el color de la piel de cualquier persona.


Estas son algunas de las causas más comunes de hiperpigmentación:

  • Daño del sol. No es ningún secreto que los rayos ultravioleta del sol son dañinos para la piel. De hecho, son responsables de hasta el 80 por ciento de los signos del envejecimiento prematuro de la piel.
  • Uno de estos signos puede ser la hiperpigmentación en forma de manchas de la edad debido a la exposición al sol de por vida.
  • Cloasma (melasma). Las manchas de pigmentación oscura, generalmente en la cara, pueden indicar cambios hormonales.
  • Se asocia principalmente, pero no exclusivamente, con las hormonas del embarazo. Durante el embarazo, el cloasma a veces se denomina “máscara del embarazo”.
  • Hiperpigmentación posinflamatoria. Cuando la piel atraviesa una fase inflamatoria, como el acné o el eccema, es posible que se acelere y produzca estas manchas más oscuras después de que sane.
  • Condiciones médicas. En algunos casos, la hiperpigmentación puede ser un síntoma de una afección médica subyacente, como la enfermedad de Addison.
  • Si no está seguro de la causa de la hiperpigmentación, siempre es mejor buscar ayuda profesional de su médico o dermatólogo.

Como Prevenir + Tratar

El daño solar es la causa número uno de los parches de hiperpigmentación, y puedes hacer mucho para prevenir el daño solar aplicando SPF y manteniéndote alejado de la luz solar directa. Para tratar la pigmentación más oscura de la piel, puede ayudar el uso de productos que contengan ingredientes como retinol o niacinamida.

Niacinamida También conocida como vitamina B3, se ha demostrado clínicamente que este poderoso ingrediente para el cuidado de la piel reduce la apariencia de hiperpigmentación e incluso el tono de la piel.

Retinol Este es uno de los ingredientes más comentados de la década, y el retinol puede ser útil para reducir la aparición de manchas de pigmentación oscura al acelerar la renovación celular natural de la piel.

Microdermoabrasión Este es un gran tratamiento que puede realizar su esteticista autorizado o puede comprar un kit que se puede realizar en la comodidad de su hogar. Sin embargo, solo pueden ser efectivos en el caso de que se produzca hiperpigmentación en la epidermis, la capa superior de la piel.

Cremas CC Se usan debajo del maquillaje o como humectante ligero. Las cremas CC ayudan a igualar el tono de la piel y a ocultar las áreas hiperpigmentadas.

Vitamina C La aplicación de un producto que contenga vitamina C en la piel puede ayudar a atenuar las marcas de hiperpigmentación para lograr un cutis más uniforme.

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How to cleanse the colon naturally

How to cleanse the colon naturally

How to cleanse the colon naturally

Many fruits and vegetables have multiple properties that can detoxify our body and keep it healthy and clean. This time we will talk about how pineapple and cucumber can keep your colon clean, keeping the intestinal flora healthy and allowing this important organ to stay healthy.

Eating a diet rich in healthy foods such as vegetables, and avoiding processed foods, alcohol and sugary drinks will help us maintain a healthy colon as well as allowing it to perform one of its main functions, which is the absorption of water and sodium. keeping electrolytes stable in our body.

Pineapple and cucumber combined form one of the best drinks to cleanse our colon as well as maintain an adequate level of hydration given its high water content. In the case of pineapple, thanks to its diuretic properties, it prevents fluid retention, eliminating swelling and improving kidney function, eliminating harmful toxins from our body in the process. Bromeliad, an active compound in this fruit, improves digestion, reduces bad cholesterol levels in the blood and helps burn fat.

Cucumber, for its part, also has a high diuretic capacity that allows toxins to be eliminated through urine, in addition to being a food made up of approximately 90% water.

How to prepare a drink to purify your colon

To prepare a drink that allows us to purify our colon, and also provide all the aforementioned benefits, the following is required:

  • A cucumber
  • Two oranges
  • An Apple
  • A small pineapple
  • A lemon
  • A bunch of Aloe vera
  • Water

How to prepare it:

Squeeze the oranges and lemon to get the juice. Peel and slice the pineapple, cucumber and apple, and extract the aloe vera gel. In a blender add all the ingredients together with half a glass of water and blend until you get the juice, which is recommended to drink on an empty stomach.

To see more articles about these topics or others, keep coming back to Latino Gringos™. Make sure to follow us on our Instagram or Facebook to know when we upload new articles or videos.

If you know anyone that might benefit from our articles, even if they are not Latino, please share with them. We love our Latino community, but also like helping anyone that needs it.

Como depurar el colon de forma natural

Muchas frutas y verduras temen múltiples propiedades que pueden desintoxicar nuestro organismo y mantenerlo sano y limpio. En esta oportunidad te hablaremos de como la piña y el pepino pueden mantener tu colon limpio, manteniendo saludable la flora intestinal y permitir que este órgano tan importante se mantenga sano.

Llevar una dieta rica en alimentos sanos tales como las verduras, y prescindir de alimentos procesados, alcoholes y bebidas azucaradas nos ayudara a mantener un colon saludable además de permitir que el mismo realice una de sus funciones principales que es la absorción de agua y sodio, manteniendo los electrolitos de forma estable en nuestro cuerpo.

La piña y el pepino combinados forman una de las mejores bebidas para limpiar nuestro colon además de mantener un nivel adecuado de hidratación dado su alto contenido en agua. En el caso de la piña, gracias a sus propiedades diuréticas, permite prevenir la retención de líquidos, eliminando la hinchazón y mejorando las funciones renales, eliminando toxinas nocivas de nuestro cuerpo en el proceso. La bromelia, compuesto activo en esta fruta, mejora la digestión, reduce los niveles de colesterol malo en la sangre y ayuda a quemar grasa.

El pepino por su parte también tiene una alta capacidad diurética que permite eliminar toxinas mediante la orina, además de ser un alimento compuesto por un aproximado de 90& de agua.

¿Cómo preparar una bebida para depurar tu colon?

Para preparar una bebida que permite depurar nuestro colon, y además aportar todos los beneficios antes mencionados, se requiere lo siguiente:

  • Un pepino
  • Dos naranjas
  • Una manzana
  • Una piña pequeña
  • Un limón
  • Una penca de Aloe vera
  • agua

Como prepararla:

Exprime las naranjas y el limón para obtener el jugo. Pela y corta en rodajas la piña, el pepino y la manzana, y extrae el gel del aloe vera. En una licuadora agregas todos los ingredientes junto con medio vaso de agua y licuas hasta obtener el jugo, el cual es recomendable tomar en ayunas.

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Silver Water Clean-Me-Up Program by Wayne Rowland

Silver Water Clean-Me-Up Program by Wayne Rowland

The Clean Me Up Program (Silver Water, Greens, Enzymes and Iodine). These will provide optimal support nutritionally for repairing, rebuilding and restoring the body’s tissue and organs. This protocol was created by Wayne Rowland who explains below how it works, steps to follow and the benefits of all its active ingredients:

To remove parasites from the body we need to cleanse the blood and the bowel with:

  • Silver Water.
  • Enzymes.
  • Colloidal Minerals.
  • Lugol’s Iodine.

Detox and add nutrition with:

  • Greens.
  • Dulse.
  • Serrapeptase.
  • Vermox (dewormer).

Steps to follow:

1) Take 6 drops of Lugol`s Iodine in 3 oz of regular water – first thing in the morning. You have to be able to eat shellfish (ie not be iodine allergic!).

2) After 15 – 20 min put 6-8 oz of Silver Water into a blender.

3) Add 2 heaping tablespoonfuls of Silver Water Greens (Phyto Food) to it.

4) Take 8-10 capsules of Ultrazyme Plus – open them up and sprinkle them unto the smoothie.

5) Add ¼ level teaspoon of Serrapeptase to the mix.

6) Blend it all up and drink – At your own convenience (just for taste and texture) add any fruit or vegetable juice to it – If you add orange juice you might want to switch out the Silver Water and drink it by itself.

7) Add 1 Tablespoon of Coconut milk powder to make it a delicious smoothie.

8) Dulse is salty in taste (1 teaspoon per day) – you can add it to the smoothie – or eat it sprinkled over a salad or soup – experiment with it.

The Ultrazyme Plus, which de-worms the blood and tissue, is a combination of Enzymes and Colloidal Minerals.

Silver Water has been known to kill bacteria, viruses as well as ameba found in the feces of the parasites which live in the blood and bowel. Silver Water Greens (Phyto Food) and Dulse (seaweed) are incredible rebuilders of the blood and tissue, and help sharpen the thought processes. Serrapeptase has been known to clean the blood and reduce inflammation.

Also take into account the following:

9) To Deworm with Vermox: After 30 days of the above mentioned protocol- people have reported great results by taking Vermox (active ingredient Mebendazol).

You will need to purchase 4 kits, which contain 6 of 100 mg tablets per packet totaling 24 tablets) or go on the web and look for vermox – generic – 24 tablets – remember you are the END user.

Take 1 tablet in the morning and evening for 3 days, then wait 10 days. Repeat this procedure for a second round and then wait again for 10 days, for this you can also improve your diet with the use of supplements as greens that really help with this as well. The final 12 Vermox tablets are taken as follows: 2 tablets morning and evening for 3 days (your third round) – after this you should be good for 6-12 months.

To see more articles about these topics or others, keep coming back to Latino Gringos™. Make sure to follow us on our Instagram or Facebook to know when we upload new articles or videos.

If you know anyone that might benefit from our articles, even if they are not Latino, please share with them. We love our Latino community, but also like helping anyone that needs it.

Programa Silver Water Clean-Me-Up por Wayne Rowland

Programa Clean Me Up (Agua de Plata, Verduras, Enzimas y Yodo). Estos proporcionarán un soporte nutricional óptimo para reparar, reconstruir y restaurar los tejidos y órganos del cuerpo. Este protocolo fue creado por Wayne Rowland quien explica a continuación cómo funciona, los pasos a seguir y los beneficios de todos sus principios activos:

Para eliminar los parásitos del cuerpo necesitamos limpiar la sangre y el intestino con:

  • Agua de plata.
  • Enzimas.
  • Minerales Coloidales.
  • Yodo de Lugol.

Desintoxica y agrega nutrición con:

  • Verduras.
  • Dulce.
  • Serrapeptasa.
  • Vermox (desparasitante).

Pasos a seguir:

1) Tome 6 gotas de yodo de Lugol en 3 oz de agua regular, a primera hora de la mañana. Tienes que poder comer mariscos (es decir, ¡no ser alérgico al yodo!).

2) Después de 15 a 20 minutos, coloque de 6 a 8 onzas de agua plateada en una licuadora.

3) Agregue 2 cucharadas colmadas de Silver Water Greens (Phyto Food).

4) Tome de 8 a 10 cápsulas de Ultrazyme Plus: ábralas y espolvoréelas en el batido.

5) Agregue ¼ de cucharadita rasa de Serrapeptase a la mezcla.

6) Mézclalo todo y bébelo: a tu conveniencia (solo por el sabor y la textura), agrega cualquier jugo de fruta o verdura. Si agregas jugo de naranja, es posible que desees cambiar el agua de plata y beberla sola.

7) Agregue 1 cucharada de leche de coco en polvo para que sea un delicioso batido.

8) Dulse tiene un sabor salado (1 cucharadita por día), puede agregarlo al batido, o comerlo espolvoreado sobre una ensalada o sopa, experimente con él.

El Ultrazyme Plus, que desparasita la sangre y los tejidos, es una combinación de Enzimas y Minerales Coloidales.

Se sabe que Silver Water mata las bacterias, los virus y las amebas que se encuentran en las heces de los parásitos que viven en la sangre y el intestino. Silver Water Greens (Phyto Food) y Dulse (algas marinas) son increíbles reconstructores de la sangre y los tejidos, y ayudan a agudizar los procesos de pensamiento. Se sabe que la serrapeptasa limpia la sangre y reduce la inflamación.

También tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:

9) Para desparasitar con Vermox: Después de 30 días del protocolo antes mencionado, las personas han reportado grandes resultados al tomar Vermox (ingrediente activo Mebendazol).

Deberá comprar 4 kits, que contienen 6 tabletas de 100 mg por paquete con un total de 24 tabletas) o vaya a la web y busque vermox, genérico, 24 tabletas; recuerde que usted es el usuario FINAL.

Tome 1 tableta por la mañana y por la noche durante 3 días, luego espere 10 días. Repita este procedimiento para una segunda ronda y luego espere nuevamente durante 10 días, para esto también puede mejorar su dieta con el uso de suplementos como los verdes que realmente ayudan con esto también. Las últimas 12 tabletas de Vermox se toman de la siguiente manera: 2 tabletas por la mañana y por la noche.

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